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Anatomy and Physiology for Yoga Professional Development
Introductory Video to Watch First
Welcome Video from Lisa Fitzpatrick (1:16)
Yoga Anatomy and Physiology 101 - Module One
Basic Yoga Anatomy and Physiology 101 webinar and quiz (30:22)
Basic Anatomy and Physiology for Yoga Manual
Yoga Anatomy and Physiology 101 Quiz
The Nervous System - Module Two
The Nervous System webinar and quiz (39:57)
The Vagus Nerve and Polyvagal Theory webinar and quiz (22:12)
Mindfulness matters - health benefits of meditation (27:45)
Arthur's story - never ever give up (4:54)
Jill Bolte-Taylor - a stroke of insight (18:41)
The Skeletal System - Module Three
The Skeletal System webinar and quiz (42:20)
Important Muscles and Movement Theory - Module Four
Movement terminology webinar and quiz (27:33)
Upper limb muscles webinar and quiz (12:18)
Lower limb muscles webinar and quiz (31:25)
Trunk muscles webinar and quiz (18:52)
The Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems - Module Five
The cardiovascular system webinar and quiz (35:33)
The respiratory system webinar and quiz (43:25)
the respiratory system - resources and articles
The Subtle Anatomy of the Endocrine System and The Chakras - Module Six
The Subtle Anatomy of the Endocrine System and The Chakras webinar and quiz (62:25)
A Deeper Exploration of the Chakras
Prevention and Management of Common Yoga Injuries - Module Seven
Common yoga injury prevention and management webinar and quiz (38:34)
The Lymphatic System - Module Eight
The Fluid Body - power point
Management of the Pelvis and Lumbar Spine - Pre and Post Natal Care - Women's Health Module
The pelvis - pre and post natal care (38:38)
The lumbar spine - pre and post natal care (38:48)
Powerpoint slides
Copy of The pelvis - pre and post natal care (38:38)
The Pelvic Floor - Pelvic Health Module
Anatomy of the pelvic floor (60:37)
Physiology of the pelvic floor (50:31)
Mini ebook - Awakening the inner goddess - the ultimate pelvic floor guide
Pelvic floor playbook
the Pelvic floor anatomy and physiology quiz
Meditation - pelvic floor practice
Kids + Teens Yoga Anatomy and Physiology - Specialised Module
Yoga anatomy for kids - the essentials (65:26)
Yoga anatomy for kids aged 2 -5 years
Yoga anatomy for kids aged 5-8 years
Yoga anatomy for kids aged 9-12 years (35:39)
Yoga anatomy for teens aged 12-18 years
Women's Wellness
Libby Weaver - rushing women's syndrome (28:07)
Women's Wellness Masterclass
Manuals and Resources
50 Essential muscles for yoga asana manual
Common yoga injuries - prevention and management manual
Basic anatomy and physiology manual
Laugh Yoga - Bonus Module
Joyous laughter yoga (6:26)
Arthur's Story of Transformation (4:54)
Joy Comes Early (0:59)
Congratulations - The End
You Did It! (0:47)
Upgrade to 36 hrs for Iyengar certification
Homework Task for submission
Teach online with
Basic Anatomy and Physiology for Yoga Manual
basic anatomy and physiology manual 2019.pdf
basic anatomy and physiology manual 2019.pdf
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