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Anatomy and Physiology for Yoga Professional Development
Introductory Video to Watch First
Welcome Video from Lisa Fitzpatrick (1:16)
Yoga Anatomy and Physiology 101 - Module One
Basic Yoga Anatomy and Physiology 101 webinar and quiz (30:22)
Basic Anatomy and Physiology for Yoga Manual
Yoga Anatomy and Physiology 101 Quiz
The Nervous System - Module Two
The Nervous System webinar and quiz (39:57)
The Vagus Nerve and Polyvagal Theory webinar and quiz (22:12)
Mindfulness matters - health benefits of meditation (27:45)
Arthur's story - never ever give up (4:54)
Jill Bolte-Taylor - a stroke of insight (18:41)
The Skeletal System - Module Three
The Skeletal System webinar and quiz (42:20)
Important Muscles and Movement Theory - Module Four
Movement terminology webinar and quiz (27:33)
Upper limb muscles webinar and quiz (12:18)
Lower limb muscles webinar and quiz (31:25)
Trunk muscles webinar and quiz (18:52)
The Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems - Module Five
The cardiovascular system webinar and quiz (35:33)
The respiratory system webinar and quiz (43:25)
the respiratory system - resources and articles
The Subtle Anatomy of the Endocrine System and The Chakras - Module Six
The Subtle Anatomy of the Endocrine System and The Chakras webinar and quiz (62:25)
A Deeper Exploration of the Chakras
Prevention and Management of Common Yoga Injuries - Module Seven
Common yoga injury prevention and management webinar and quiz (38:34)
The Lymphatic System - Module Eight
The Fluid Body - power point
Management of the Pelvis and Lumbar Spine - Pre and Post Natal Care - Women's Health Module
The pelvis - pre and post natal care (38:38)
The lumbar spine - pre and post natal care (38:48)
Powerpoint slides
Copy of The pelvis - pre and post natal care (38:38)
The Pelvic Floor - Pelvic Health Module
Anatomy of the pelvic floor (60:37)
Physiology of the pelvic floor (50:31)
Mini ebook - Awakening the inner goddess - the ultimate pelvic floor guide
Pelvic floor playbook
the Pelvic floor anatomy and physiology quiz
Meditation - pelvic floor practice
Kids + Teens Yoga Anatomy and Physiology - Specialised Module
Yoga anatomy for kids - the essentials (65:26)
Yoga anatomy for kids aged 2 -5 years
Yoga anatomy for kids aged 5-8 years
Yoga anatomy for kids aged 9-12 years (35:39)
Yoga anatomy for teens aged 12-18 years
Women's Wellness
Libby Weaver - rushing women's syndrome (28:07)
Women's Wellness Masterclass
Manuals and Resources
50 Essential muscles for yoga asana manual
Common yoga injuries - prevention and management manual
Basic anatomy and physiology manual
Laugh Yoga - Bonus Module
Joyous laughter yoga (6:26)
Arthur's Story of Transformation (4:54)
Joy Comes Early (0:59)
Congratulations - The End
You Did It! (0:47)
Upgrade to 36 hrs for Iyengar certification
Homework Task for submission
Teach online with
Welcome Video from Lisa Fitzpatrick
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